Dennis Deery

Age of Conversation 3

March 24, 2010
Professional Technology

Age of ConversationThe 3rd edition of the great Age of Conversation book is soon to be released. This series collects a number of essays dealing with social media issues. I’m very pleased to announce that an essay of mine will be included in the latest edition of the book. A lot of the writers collected in this edition are great current thinkers on social media, so I’m happy to be in such great company!

Click on the link above to see a list of the authors in the 3rd edition.

A Model for Change

August 20, 2018
CommunityDevelopment OrganizationalDevelopment Professional

Change is constant – we all deal with it, we all complain about it. We all do it. In a 2008 study titled “The Enterprise of the Future”, IBM surveyed over 1,000 CEOs around the world. 83% of those surveyed said they expect their organization to undergo substantial change. But only 61% of those executives believe they have managed change successfully in the past.  Why the disconnect? If change is so constant, why are we so bad at it?

Take a Systems View

July 20, 2018
CommunityDevelopment OrganizationalDevelopment Professional

Do you ever have trouble getting your living room temperature just right? It gets cold outside, so you bump the heat up. Whoops, too much, now you’re too hot. Down with the thermostat. Wait, now it’s freezing, turn up the heat! Cycle after cycle, until finally you get it dialed in just right. Now you can fire up the TV and binge-watch your favorite show. Congratulations, you understand systems thinking – that’s it in a nutshell.

Oneida Nation Social Media Day

June 7, 2012
Professsional Technology SocialMedia
Marketing Technology
Today I’m in Green Bay, Wisconsin speaking with folks from the Oneida Nation about social media analytics. You can find the resources for my talk here.
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